Displaying Art & Mirrors

One underrated aspect of falling in love with your home is the display of personalized art to add some color and life to an environment. But first, some common rules should be considered about how to go about this in a spatially conscious way. When hanging a mirror or art, it's important to prioritize the height at which it will be displayed. Generally, the middle of the mirror (or piece of art) should be hung at around 65 inches above the floor, although this can vary depending on the height of the ceiling and the size of the piece. This height is commonly referred to as "eye level" and is the most comfortable viewing height for most people. By following this guideline, you'll be sure to create a visually balanced and comfortable display that showcases your art or mirror in the best possible way. Having this general rule is perfect but don't forget that the mark may need to be a little bit higher if it's above a sofa or chair, so that people won't bump their heads when standing up! 

When you're framing mirrors above your bathroom sink, you want to make sure you get the height just right. To get the best view of yourself, experts recommend starting the bottom of the mirror 6-8 inches above the countertop. That way, you can brush your teeth or wash your face without having to strain your neck to see yourself! And don't forget to consider the placement of the faucet, too. You want to make sure the mirror doesn't hit the back of the faucet and get in the way as you wash your hands. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to hang a bathroom mirror display that's both practical and elegant.

When it comes to sizing your art pieces or mirrors, one helpful rule to keep in mind is the 3/5 rule. This means that the width of your piece should be 3/5 the width of whatever it's going over – for example, a sofa. Following this rule can help you achieve a well-proportioned and visually appealing display that'll make you want to stop and admire it every time you walk by!

Also don't forget to consider, a frame makes a huge difference, no matter how simple it is. However when hanging one up over a bed that has a headboard, things can get a bit tricky. Here's a quick tip to make sure you get it just right. Measure the distance from the top of your headboard up to the ceiling. Then, place the bottom of the art frame at 1/3 of that distance above the headboard. Don't put it right in the middle of the height you get, bring it down some. By following this simple tip, you can ensure that your art is perfectly placed above your bed, creating a balanced and visually appealing look.


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